Sponsor Greeley Harmonix

A non-profit Chorus, Greeley Harmonix is self funded, with all revenue directed to the running of the Chorus.  We appreciate the sponsorship of any company willing to provide us with financial support, or even just to help fund a particular expense.

We are a 501c3 organization and your donations are tax deductible. Your support will help us with the cost of music, rehearsal facility rental, ongoing education, guest coaches and performers, and scholarships we provide to members.

Level 1.
Business logo will be included in the Sponsors section on our website, and in concert programs and promotional materials.

$800+  General Chorus Support
$400    Support a Singer (sponsorship for chorus-related expenses only) 

Level 2.
Listed in our concert programs and Sponsors section of our website.
$200    Gold (business card)
$100    Silver
$ 50     Bronze

Level 3.
$ 25    Name listed in our concert programs.

Email admindirector@greeleyharmonix.org for donation details.

Browse our existing sponsors
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