
The Greeley Harmonix adventure began in 2011 as the brainchild of two friends: Julie Palagi and Tonya Olson - both former members of other Sweet Adelines International choruses.

With combined experience (and tenacity), Greeley Harmonix chartered with Sweet Adelines International in 2012 with 20 singers.  

In the same year, Greeley Harmonix competed for the first time at the Sweet Adelines regional chorus competition and earned second place Division A (small chorus) and fourth place overall. The decision to start a chorus in Greeley was validated in the best possible way.

That's the short and sweet history of Greeley Harmonix.  Since chartering they continue to be one of the top small choruses in Region 8. Women ages 16 and up are invited to make history with us! It's a journey that will last a lifetime.