Music Director

Julie Ann Palagi

Julie Ann Palagi has been directing choruses in Sweet Adelines since she was 29. She is an experienced soloist, voice teacher, vocal coach, and director, and has performed in barbershop quartet competitions as well. 

Her music experience includes piano study, music theory, private vocal study, recitals, and graduate classes in vocal pedagogy at the University of Northern Colorado. 

As a Sweet Adelines International director, Ms. Palagi earned her certified status in the SAI Directors' Certification Program after passing specific qualifications that include  barbershop harmony acumen, music theory knowledge, leadership, and other music and administrative requirements. Currently, she is at the Harmony 500 Director level. 

In 2009, Ms. Palagi was the first director in Region 8 to take a small chorus to the Sweet Adelines International Division A Harmony Classic compeition in Nashville, Tenn. 
In 2012, Ms. Palagi co-founded Greeley Harmonix chorus.

Ms. Palagi’s passion for her chorus and a cappella music is evident in her rehearsals. She approaches each rehearsal with enthusiasm, teaches singing at rehearsal using sound vocal techniques, and builds singers' confidence through singing and performing.