An RSS feed (or news feed) is a means by which you can stay informed about what's going on at Greeley Harmonix without having to regularly visit the website.
To make use of an RSS feed, you need some "feed reader" (or "aggregator") software. Most modern web browsers have feed readers built in.
The RSS feeds for Greeley Harmonix are listed below...
Greeley Harmonix Chorus has been entertaining audiences since we chartered in 2012. Our members live in Greeley, Windsor, Johnstown, Fort Lupton, and surrounding areas.
Education. Each rehearsal includes instruction in four-part a cappella harmony in the barbershop style and ensemble singing. Reading music is not required.
Developing singers. We continually work toward becoming better singers and performers. Each rehearsal includes expert voice instruction. Singers comment about how much more they learn about singing and how much their voice improves belonging to Harmonix!
Community. We routinely perform for our communities, we are part of Region 8 Sweet Adelines community, and - most importantly - we foster a spirit of belonging in our chorus community.
Visit us anytime. Rehearsals are open to the public.
Sing at rehearsal. We welcome women singers of all vocal ranges, ages 14 and up.
Join us! Great a cappella singing and lasting friendships.